One of many things occupying my time lately has been the traveling scarf group. See my scarf travel across the country. Currently it is visiting the east coast and some lovely pumpkins!
Projects underway:
I have put some of my crocheting and knitting on hold to finish some important and some less important projects. It's hard being a textile fanatic. So many things to distract one... :D
This year I will be participating in Discarded to Divine, a charity auction benefiting the St. Vincent De Paul Society. Local fashion designers/design students create unique, one-of-a-kind couture pieces created from recycled discarded clothing. This year I'm planning something spectacular. the only hint I will give to you right now is that I will be using only the items you see on the left here and at least two if not three of my textile related skills. I promise it will be worth the wait. More pics and info to come soon. I want to keep an online diary of my progress by way of this blog.
Another thing that will be occupying my time in the coming weeks is preparations of submissions of three special projects to a magazine which at this time will remain undisclosed as to not jinx myself. If I get in, I will post the good news. :D
I will also begin focusing on the next Crochet Liberation Front books. I have a couple of awesome pattern ideas in mind. If you don't have this book already, I highly recommend buying it :D. Well worth the money :D. And I'm not just saying that because I'm in it ;).
In other news, as if I weren't enough of a textile fanatic already, I've taken up a new hobby...spinning my own yarn. Spinning has it's own zen qualities that lends itself well to daily meditation. I just started in July after taking a brief class at Lambtown USA. I am now spinning lovely singles...
..which are then becoming beautiful yarns.
On October 18th, I will be attending Color: A Fiber Festival where I will be taking all sorts of lovely classes to enhance my textile manipulation skills. Muahahaahahahah! If you are in the greater Berkeley area, I highly recommend you stop on by. There will be many awesome classes and vendors for the fiber junkie in you. And you get a chance to meet all sorts of nice people like myself :D