In other news, recently (april, so almost two months ago...sigh) I participated in the Discarded to Divine show with St. Vincent De Paul Society. Here is a picture of me published on the 944.com website. I look pretty sexy in that vintage 70's little black dress :)
Sadly, I was unable to attend the actual fashion show for this event this month. I injured my foot training for my marathon. I was in the wrong shoes. Apparently, I have neutral feet with low arches--the people at the sports store I visited recommended shoes for people who overpronate...DONT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU! Go to a reputable store that specializes in running to have your gait properly analyzed. I ended up going to Transport in Berkeley (on Solano) and I highly recommend them. Not only did they measure my foot (I had been wearing the wrong size too, and the wrong width) the also analyzed my gait then put me on a treadmill and observed how I run in the two recommended shoes they had in the store. I ended up buying a lovely pair of Brooks shoes that cost HALF AS MUCH as the shoes recommended to me by a sports store that shall remain nameless here. I spent 2 weeks unable to run, almost unable to walk because I bruised my cuboid and "rolled" my ankle straining one of my larger tendons--all because someone was trying to make a bigger sale. :( I am currently going through rehab on my ankle, but thankfully I'm back up to running again :)

I am thinking of giving away a skein of handspun (on a drop spindle) fingerweight yarn (made by me) as a prize for anyone who donates at least $5 through my donation page. I'll post more info on that soon including pictures of the yarn you can receive. I may also give away some fiber and sock yarn to sweeten the deal. :)